Monday 28 April 2014


I HAVE LOVED YOU  means that i have loved you in past I AM NOT LOVING YOU means i am not loving you anymore from now on,...  Wasting time on people who doesn't love you is priceless !!..
I have loved you with all my heart of love. I don't know what is the reason that made you to leave me.I never ever thought that you left me because your everything is with me all the time. I never thought another partner in my life. You have made my life a HEAVEN and you went away from me like heaven is nothing to like without you in my life.. I hate the feeling that we are drifted away apart from each other and i can't do anything about it.
 Now it seems LOVE is just a quote in this life of mine. QUOTES are only for saying and appreciated it but not going for it. I just surrounded all myself to you and you surrounded to the life which isn't ME in it. I have loved you for 481 days 3 hours 2 minutes and 2.5 seconds I did whatever wanted to keep our relationship for ever but it just broken now and peaces are flying which can't be stick again by LOVE..
I have missed you in my life and I have not forgot the words which you said to me.I have waited for you till now but still you don't care of me. You just left me alone like USE AND THROW. I have not changed in my attitude just i stopped living like you. I have missed you till the time i thought about you but now i am thinking about myself. I know you have not missed me but you just recognized me as UNKNOWN..
I am STUCK IN A GENERATION WHERE LOYALTY IS JUST A TATTOO and LOVE IS JUST A QUOTE and LYING IS A NEW TRUTH.. Now i have missed you enough through my life.. i just want let you go now of my heart..

Tuesday 25 February 2014


I am a BAD GUY and i know that. I listened to everyone's philosophies who told me. I see there tears from there eyes with pain and i hear there beat which struggles for me to be with them. I see there eyes are upon me and i also see there ears are going on hearing which i am speaking. But i just don't want to be with them who do those action with me because i am gonna do the same again...
 I want to be myself bad but not the evil. i am gonna go my own way which i made and I don't want any one be my side ALL ARE AT ONE SIDE AND I ONLY ONE BEING ON OTHER SIDE.
 I am sorry for doing like this to you and i know it hurts but people around you says negative about me to you.. I am not gonna change myself for you. I will live happy seeing myself than being like you struggling to be your favorite person.Sometimes I just want to get away and go somewhere where there is no one. I wishing to GOD I want to be alone and alone for my whole life.

I will choose a girl who leaves her world and like my attitude and my world and i am gonna give my whole life to her Everyone comes in life and go away but one of them will be stopped by us to make our complete life and they stay in our life till the end of there life...@_#

Tuesday 18 February 2014


MOM loving toward the child is not a miracle but child showing his love toward his MOM is a miracle. Now-a-days we see child harassing there mothers by knowing that they are doing wrong. I do show anger on my mom but i realize after some time "why do i don't think before showing my anger that SHE GAVE  ME BIRTH ON THIS EARTH ". I see she get hurt by simple words i talk to her and she sits alone in a room but she never complain on me. So from birthday i decided that i will think before i talk to my parents and to my brother too...
Mother sitting in a sad mood.

Child - Mom, you are the 2nd most beautiful woman in this

Mother - Who is the 1st?

Child - Its also u but when u smile.

Monday 17 February 2014

nOt LoVe BuT fRieNDshIP

In the common world of millions of people there was a common boy and common girl living there normal life and there love was different from others. The boy name is Nazir and girl name is Shifa. ;)...
Once there lived a boy called Nazir, He is very much different from others,,he has grown up now and starring to join in collage. He spend most of the time on net and he doesn't forget the time when he his on net But most of the people do forget Time and they even say Time is running fast when i am on net. Nazir wanted to do something which is not done by anyone in the world,, that's his ambition.... But his father ambition is to make his son a DOCTOR...
There lived a girl called Shifa, She has completed her schooling and her ambition is to do modelling But she lives in moderate family which cannot pay the amount calculated to fansion designer. She noticed the problem and left her ambiton behind. She says to herself "i want to become a fansion designer but i didn't but i will be something in life"
They both joined in same collage,same class and even they have same desire to become something THESE TWO GONNA FIND THE SAME SOMETHING WHICH IS ONE.....
There houses are front to each other and they used to see each other in the mourning while they go to collage.They saw again eachother in the same class room.. The next day same again they saw each other and Nazir went to her and asked her "hie,my name is Nazir and is your house is infrornt my house where i see you in mourning" she replied "yeah thats my house where you see me every day and is that your house but i don't see you outside even in colony party times" he said "i am always on system and i do come outside rare"..  They both got to know each other and they had luch together in afternoon in the collage...
The next day onwards they started to go to collage together and Nazir started to come outside and they started to spend time and even they started to have combine studies. people in the collage started to talk about them "link ups" "affair running machine" blah blah!!
Nazir thought of stopping to talk with Shifa as Shifa understood his feeling and said to Nazir " MAKING A MILLIONS FRIENDS IS NOT A MIRACLE, THE MIRACLE IS TO MAKE A FRIEND WHO WILL STAND BY YOU IN A MILLION WAYS.." and also said don't bother of people cat talks they do say what ever come to know but they even don't know what they are saying.... Nazir and Shifa come to get together again as friends...
One day Nazir was thrown out of house while his father ambition was broken and he studied to become engineer as his joy and happy which he get than studying to become a doctor.. Nazir's father got his ambition broken as he wanted his son become a doctor but his son failed too and he got angry and told his son to go out of the house and study by yourself... Nazir came out of the house and started to live with Shifa and They completed there collage. Shifa became very close to Nazir's parents and Nazir become a member of the house and he became very very close to Shifa's parents too while Nazir is staying with her as a friend.. and went in search for jobs away from each other....  Nazir made a future software which is compiled with various characters for the future world and Shifa became a software engineer in U.S.Aand left her ambition back but she thought her ambitions should be fulfilled by her son/daughter after she is married.... ;)
Shifa loved a guy MALIK in his office and she told to Malik everything about his friend Nazir to him..Malik accepted Nazir's in her life and  AFTER Two years Shifa and Nazir met eachother and when they left each other to till now they have no changes in them... Nazir was eager to see his parents and wanted to say everything to them but his father did allow but heart of the mother was happy seeing son after so many years and Being a mother to a son pleased his husband to invite son and finally invited him into the house and Shifa was happy too and after family drama at house, Nazir and Shifa came out and Shifa told Nazir everything about Malik..Nazir is a best friend to Shifa, NOW-A-DAYS friendship between a boy and a girl is not a chance only LOVE but there is FRIENDSHIP between Nazir and Shifa.. :D While Nazir and Shifa are walking, Shifa met her collage friend AYESHA. Ayesha said "You and Nazir are still together, you know everyone in the collage used to say an affair running between you both and you both are nice couple in whole collage" Shifa replied "We are just friends and we are friends till now just FRIENDSHIP WAALA LOVE" Nazir at the side of Shifa started to stare at Ayesha and shouted loudly with joy. Nazir loved AYESHA "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT" type... Nazir got to know everything about Ayesha through Shifa... Nazir impressed Ayesha etc....and they finally fell in LOVE...
Nazir got to go to SWITZERLAND to the company to exhibit his own FUTURE COMPUTER to them.. Nazir wanted Shifa to come with him to switzerland and let his tension flew away But Malik planned of coming to INDIA and spend time with Shifa.... Shifa showed first preference to Nazir than Malik as his boyfriend.... Malik thought for a while and said to Shifa we can be together in switzerland too after the Nazir's work... Nazir asked Ayesha "will you come to switzerland with me to the company which i exhibit my Future Computer "... Ayesha rejected of coming and she thought the whole night and finally she decided to come....
Nazir with Ayesha,Shifa with Malik GO SWITZERLAND GONE and Nazir exhibit to the chairman was excellent and chairman had a deal with Nazir at last.... After that  Nazir with Ayesha and Shifa with Malik divided and these two couple had a great time showing there love... Nazir got the news called  
divided and had a great time showing there love.. After 30min Nazir got a phone from his father "i am happy being your father and i have got no importance in your carrer and i am happy now and i saw you on tv and i am honour by my friends and members in the office" Nazir was happy and he wanted to say this news to Shifa first... Nazir phoned Shifa and said everything.. Shifa was happy and she told Malik that she wanted to meet Nazir and Malik stopped all the plans which planned of being with Shifa and Nazir did the same... Nazim hugged Shifa tightly and Malik was unable to see and slapped Nazir.. Nazir did not do anything but when Malik slapped Shifa Nazir raised his hand on Malik...... Ayesha was hurting herself seeing his BoyFriend Nazir and Shifa hugging eachother....  They got broke up and all were in terrible problem.....
Malik asked Shifa "whom are you loving more me or Nazir..?" Shifa replied "both".... If you have no choice to decide then you have no chance of being with me. As same with Nazir and Ayesha too......
These FOUR got in love with eachother but Nazir and Shifa are just friends and they are. They went back to the houses for taking some time while Malik and Ayesha waited for there decision. Nazir started to explain Malik "i saw you slapping shifa infront of me so i raised my hands on you" and to marrry Shifa and he started to beg and all that type of stuff!! Malik agreed on one condition "NAZIR SHOULD NEVER TALK OR MEET WITH MY SHIFA UNTIL TWO YEAR" Nazir took some time and agreed with Malik while Shifa didn't... Shifa and Nazir are best friends and they showed that between a BOY nad a GIRL there can be a friendship tooo.... THAT SOMETHING IS DEEP FRIENDSHIP WHICH THEY FOUND THE SAME AND THERE FRIENDSHIP IS NEAR TO LOVE BUT NOT LOVE IN TODAY'S WORLD THINK,,we can "FRIEDNSHIP WAALA LOVE "
After a year Malik called Nazir and said to come to meet your best friend in the hospital. Nazir left all the jobs behind  along with his wife Ayesha and came to Shifa. When Nazir came to Shifa then Shifa turned her face back because her husband Malik had a deal with his friend Nazir of not each other per two years. But Malik didn't want to spoil and got trusted in them and Malik said that "Shifa didn't even think about you for these years but i know her heart is Fulifilled with Nazir's friendship"

Tuesday 11 February 2014


I loved a girl as a friend and also as my life partner but she got already boyfriend so i made her my bestie and she is too good and happy girl in chatting life i don't know about his in person life because i stay away from her. i thought FRIEND is someone who can interfere in his friends life and know about them more.. i think that made me wrong... chatting in social site friends are temporary while in person friends are permanent Today i got to know by a girl ZENNY. she is sweet in chatting but when she is in angry she never listen to her at least. she don't think anything while she says something to someone and why don't she know the reason before saying anything to someone...BUT i don't care she is till my buddy.
zenny is the girl i liked the most as a friend i thought she thinks the same but she hate me now... i don't know why.. i just got on facebook searching for my friend but i got to see ZENNY'S gifted pic by her boy friend as pro pic to the user name sidra ali.. i just got on SQ to ask ZENNY if that is her or not.. i got a reply from her stop interfering in my maters!!please!! BUT i don't understand what did i do... i never asked her phone number at least... It seems to be strange but it happened...
when i asked her on live chat for a number of times she said "SHUT UP" And she began to talk in punjabi with his friend and she gonna make me mad if she did not show my mistake... 
i don't know what to do but i can say i did not do anything wrong which hurts you chudail  and keep that in mind ......if you don't take it personal and leave it but your friend does and care for you....

Sunday 9 February 2014

LOST MIND ,,@.--.@,,

I feel like heart is breaking into millions of pieces when you are leaving me... you may have your reasons to leave the chat but at least check the heart who is waiting for your reply but not BYE...
When i am chatting with her it seem to be a heaven and i know you will leave the chat and go away but i say myself to remember the sentences which she spoke to me... I don't know why she is just a friend to half heart and to the other half heart she is more than friend.. I AM JUST ADDICTED TO HER....It takes time to remove that addiction from heart..I know it is wrong but i can't control myself...
I feel like saying NO MORE WAITING,, NO MORE HURT. If you wanted me you could have but you didn't..
Though she takes me as a friend but i can't..... My heart beats for her and my eyes see for her and breadth smell her.....
 OO GOD...Plzz give strength to me.. she told me if you keep writing like this you will get blessing and even GOD will take care of you.... and I tell myself  I AM NOT ALONE GOD IS ALWAYS WITH ME


Love the life however is it. Don't go down in your life seeing others higher than your status. Be happy in what ever you are... We see children on roads begging for a piece of bread and we even see children throwing there food on roads,,The people who don't know value of food they should know at least from now.. We say Each grain of rice is gonna complain to GOD about us if we throw or step of rice... each grain blessing can give us a point to go to heaven after the death...
There was a rich boy called ATIF and a poor boy called ASLAM...
ATIF was a very rich boy and he is studying in highly educated school and he got no respect to elders and even he throws the food outside when he got packed for lunch in the afternoon to school everyday.....
ASLAM was a poor boy and he was unable to get a food properly to his stomach everyday even he used to sleep with hunger sometimes and he is studying a small school beside to ATIF school...
ASLAM eats the food which is thrown by ATIF in the afternoon and ASLAM feel it as a golden rice and he even take some food in a cloth to his parents too... ASLAM'S parents eat the food with hunger and they know that ASLAM had brought the  food to us without eating until his belly is filled... HUNGER CAN BE STOPPED BY DRINKING WATER BUT HALF FILLED STOMACH CANNOT...
ATIF used to see everyday ASLAM taking his food which is thrown down and one day ATIF did not throw the food down and started to see what ASLAM gonna do now,,ASLAM went back to home with no food... ATIF threw the food down as usually and ATIF came down the next school where ASLAM is studying because he wanted where ASLAM is taking the food... He saw ASLAM taking the food and ATIF follwed him and ATIF saw that ASLAM full family is based on his own food in the afternoon and ATIF himself thinks "if i might be in that condition then i used to eat everyday food and even respect the elders and he finally realized himself that "FOR THIS FOOD SO MANY ARE DEPENDING AND I AM THROWING THE SAME FOOD DOWN..." and he changed himself....
ATIF from the next day stare to bring to lunch boxes one for himself and one for ASLAM....